Hospice care in Las Vegas
Find quality, end-of-life care in a facility near you or in the comfort of your Nevada home.
When you or a loved one faces a life-limiting illness, quality of life becomes even important than quantity. Our Nevada hospice team offers planning and care that can help ease suffering for you and your family during the end stage of a serious illness.
SMALV offers quality hospice services across Nevada
When you or a loved one faces a life-limiting illness, quality of life becomes even important than quantity. Our Nevada hospice team offers planning and care that can help ease suffering for you and your family during the end stage of a serious illness.
Types of hospice care offered by Southwestern Medical Hospice
We offer 4 types of hospice care:
- Routine hospice care provides services to patients wherever they live, be it a private home, a group home or facility. Depending on need, it involves visits by our entire care team.
- Respite care is temporary care designed to provide relief to caregivers. It allows patients with serious illnesses to move into an inpatient facility for up to 5 days so your caregiver can have a break.
- Continuous hospice care provides 24/7 services to patients with severe symptoms where they live. These services are available until you're able to return to routine care.
- General inpatient care is for serious emergencies. If your symptoms can’t be taken care of where you live, you can receive 24-hour nursing care in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or a hospice unit or facility.
Hospice helps patients make the most of their remaining time
Hospice provides medical, emotional and spiritual support to patients and their families during the end stage of a serious illness.
A care plan personalized to your needs
We take the time to listen to you and create a hospice care plan tailored to your needs.
A complete team of providers
Your care team may include doctors, nurses, social workers, dieticians, spiritual counselors, grief counselors and trained hospice volunteers.
Resources for you and your loved ones
We offer an array of advanced care services, helping you and those close to you make informed care decisions at key stages of life.
What you need to know about hospice care
Get care in your home or at an inpatient hospice facility
Find hospice care near you whether you’re looking to receive care in the comfort of your home or in one our hospice care facilities.

We're proud to be a 4-star rated hospice team
The best care. Putting patients first. These reasons and others are why we're one of the few area hospices to earn a 4-star rating and why so many people recommend us. As our medical director says, "Our team has worked together for a long time, and that makes us unique."